Monday, 30 July 2018

Goodbye July ....!!!

I seem to have completely lost track of time...It's the last day of July !!!  Where did the last three months go??...I've been remiss and not found the time (should read not made the time !!) to pop in here and share what's been going on....I like to think of my blog as just my memory of what's been happening and also a bit of a photo album. ... Just had to update my mobile phone which died and my first thought was..'Oh no' what about my photos!!...thankfully all good but was a reminder to put up pictures here that I will always want to look back on.  Digital images are great but if you haven't printed them..(and not many of us do that anymore)...and something happens, they are lost.  Here's a little bit of what has been happening recently.

Mid May we celebrated a beautiful wedding when my eldest daughter married her best fabulous G-boy did a great job walking the bride in and giving her away .... a heart warming marriage ceremony followed by a gorgeous afternoon tea to celebrate.... shared by immediate family and closest friends in a romantic cottage on a strawberry farm in Wallan....perfect!! 

The cake 
My daughter made her own cake the night before ... and iced it the morning of the wedding
I decorated it with flowers and strawberries and little cactus from the garden...simple but elegant I think!!

The buffet table....delicious and divine goodies.
Gorgeous home made both of my daughters and her future mother in law....(just simple fingers sandwiches made by yours truly)...I did do flowers and table decorations though !!
My G-boy proudly walking his mummy to her future CUTE !!
 My daughter was lucky that a very dear friend and wedding guest is now a photographer and kindly took fabulous happy snaps on the can see more of Dani's photography on her professional website HERE ..We were so grateful for the great pictures she creative and got the feel of the day exactly how it was....joyful.
Just love this "artistic" shot by Dani....highly recommend her for any photography needs, big or small.
Congratulations to the happy them to bits.

We have another wedding this year when my youngest daughter ties the knot in  lots to look forward to !!

Early July I took myself off on a 6 day yoga retreat at Mission Beach QLD....Quite an adventure....Yoga three times a day...very extreme location in a rainforest at the top of a mountain...(really large hill actually..but felt like a mountain walking the 600m from carpark ...very very steep and a tough climb)...full of wildlife at your door....cassowaries, huge lizards, monster spiders you name it....and it was all vegetarian meals!!....Really delicious and I have often thought of trying to be vegetarian....but boy I really missed proteins...eggs will only go so far....Food for thought because I think I would struggle to be totally vegetarian.... Organised through Robyn ...(my Yoga teacher when I lived in Emerald)...along with 22 others... the experience was really amazing and I learnt a lot more about myself than I thought possible. ....Namaste !
The wonderful Yoga studio....
Three yoga sessions a day in the studio....7am Hatha Yoga , followed by pre lunch Yoga Nidra and pre dinner Vinyasa Yoga.  Really beautiful experience included essential oils for Chakra healing.
Patterns on the sand
I was absolutely fascinated by the beautiful patterns the crabs make all along the sand at Mission Beach...truly looked like masses of flowers or fireworks spread as far as the eye could see.
The view of the rainforest from the balcony of my cabin...lots of wildlife going on in there !!

Cassowary walking along the path
Picture of the cassowary who thankfully didn't tear me to shreds when it walked past...did give me the 'stink-eye' though!!  ...  they are rather intimidating up close and personal....but so spectacular to see and hear them walking about the place. 

Brooks Beach 
A few hundred metres from the Resort is Brooks Beach....happens it's a local nudist beach...and 'No' I didn't join the few brave Yogi's who took a skinny dip!!  I had a fantastic and challenging time...learnt a lot about myself  and feel I came back a more balanced and somewhat humbled human being. 


  1. What an absolutely stunning wedding, and how refreshing to see a bride opt for simple and homemade!! I take my hat off to you all. The food on the table looks too good to eat, and the cake is just fabulous. No wonder you've had no time to blog, life seems full and happy for you.

    1. It was a lovely wedding Cheryl. The sun came out at just the right time and radiated through the glass as they said their vows. :-)

  2. What a great idea to have an afternoon tea wedding. I can't believe she made her own cake on the day it looks great. The yoga retreat sounded great to be away from normal life. I also love the crab patterns in the sand they are so interesting aren't they. Two weddings in one year's all happening in your life.

    1. Yes Kathy it is a busy year. Will have both of my girls married off. :-)

  3. The retreat must have been an amazing experience. Such a simple and lovely wedding. It all looks beautiful.
