Tuesday, 14 April 2015

The Human Spirit.......

I am always in awe of the human bodies ability to endure......my daughter and a team of friends entered the Oxfam Trail-walker fund raising event.  They managed to walk the 100km in around 35 hours walking through the night, only resting briefly....a true test to their will and determination to succeed......they are all in a lot of pain and blistered feet (which thankfully they were able to have treated by podiatrist's during the event)...but very pleased with their achievement....congratulations girls!!
The team as they headed off at 10:30am on Friday morning
The team when they finished at 9pm on Saturday...a bit worse for wear but still smiling.
My best friend joined me for a stint as support crew at one of the check-points....we fed and watered them and then sent them back on their journey....The Melbourne event raised over 2.5 million for Oxfam... a fantastic cause...to aid global poverty.


  1. You must be so proud of your daughter and her friends - that was quite an accomplishment. And what an incredible amount of money to raise for such a worthwhile cause.

    1. I am proud Susan...it is a goal she set herself at a particularly difficult time in her life. She is quite a remarkable young woman.

  2. Such a challenge! I did Trailwalker in 2012 with a team of friends. We cracked the 25 hours mark but it was not without collateral damage in the form of 7 toenails and 30+ blisters! I hope your daughter is recovering well.
