Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Happy Chicken Pie......

Already we are half way through January, the year is flying....One of my new year resolutions was to save money, reduce spending and stop any unnecessary waste.  I had a left over BBQ chicken breast, some broccoli and a lone sheet of puff pastry so I added a cheese sauce, corn and carrots and made a "cheesy chicken pie".  This is a first for me, usually the dogs would probably have scored the left over chicken but I was so happy to have found a way to utilise the left overs...I can hear others saying "so what", but this is new for me.....basic steps along the road to living more cost effectively.
Happy Chicken Pie...I enjoyed playing around with pastry too.

Smells good....dinner for two tonight
On a completely different note the local supermarket is already displaying Easter Eggs....I have had enough of consumerism and how stupid retailers want to market junk at the earliest opportunity...why would they be selling Easter Eggs and hot cross buns now...the mind boggles....!!


  1. You may have used leftovers to make your pie, Suzie, but I'm betting it was delicious. Looks mouth-watering!
    I can't believe the stores are showing Easter products already. It's way too soon.

  2. It tasted really nice, I was pleasantly surprised. I think only in Australia they would put out easter eggs this early.

  3. Your pie looks super cute!!! I always make a chicken pie with our left over roast chicken, I make extra gravy when I make the roast and use that to mix the chicken and vegies in for the's also great with mash on top like a chicken shephards pie :) I just get so excited about using up what we have and making something delicious out of what we once would just throw out. I make stock out of the carcass too. As for the easter marketing push, it just makes me more determined to not buy them!!!! Although, I am a sucker for a hot cross bun with lashings of butter........

  4. Your chicken pie looks wonderful! I need to get more creative with my leftovers!

  5. Easter eggs on Jan 15 makes me fume; there should be laws about such things. And as for Christmas, I would ban any mention of it before Dec 10.

  6. Easter eggs on Jan 15 makes me fume; there should be laws about such things. And as for Christmas, I would ban any mention of it before Dec 10.
