Friday, 10 October 2014

Friday's Musings......

You always notice how quicker the weeks fly by as it gets closer to Christmas.... already the shops are full of Christmas and it's still October.  Strangely our local supermarket has Halloween and Christmas items out at the same time....don't remember that happening before....but then they had hot cross buns out in early February...go figure.
It's been a busy week ...mostly full of the usual, but my thoughts go out to a lifelong friend whose daughter is in ICU after she developed pre-eclampsia, underwent caesarean section, and is now suffering a  life threatening condition called HELLP syndrome....hopefully she will make a full recovery .... baby is doing well...once again reinforcing the fact that our grasp on life is so precious and precarious.
Spring is in full force around here...beautiful sunny skies today...the seeds I planted and nurtured in the mini greenhouse have unbelievably grown ...first time I have had success...snails didn't manage to find these ones..look forward to planting them out in the next week or two.
Corn seedlings....first success growing from seeds....need the big greenhouse now I think.

At rear: nearly all the pumpkin seeds the front only a few zucchinis ....still happy with that though
 The cauliflowers finally have little heads appearing...not sure if it is too late in the season and they may go to seed before they get any bigger...there's been so much leaf growth I didn't think they were ever going to get a head on's a waiting game.

The cauliflowers in the patch have finally started to show their heads....
Busy weekend ahead which includes a Bee Workshop on very interested in having bees so thought I would do the workshop and see what exactly is involved... see how we go hey.


  1. I really regret not having kept bees, but I suppose for a non-sugar-eater it would have been a bit pointless anyway. I look forward to hearing how you get on (with your first hive etc).

    1. Thanks Cro. The workshop was quite a's a lot more involved that I thought, so very glad I I need to get some hands on experience to ensure that I am up for very keen.

  2. I would like to get bees but will wait till we are in NZ. I gave up on my brassicas and fed them to the cow as they never did anything.
