Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Thursday Thoughts....

It's been hard to find the time to blog lately...there's quite a bit happening on the home front. I was going to try and link in with NO PLASTIC JULY....we had my man's 60th birthday celebrations .... unfortunately with over 90 people,food, balloons, lollies,  etc.  everything came wrapped in plastic .....all of it left at the Golf Club to dispose of .. Yikes...after such a disastrous start where there was so much single use plastic I gave up...huge awareness now of the terrible amount of unnecessary plastic we generate.  Totally need to rethink large celebrations and their impact. 

The end of the financial year means setting up all the office information for the new year.  I have recycled the same two sets of office files for the past 5 years...I just white out the previous years and update with the new...I have around 20 files so while it's not huge it does save a bit...

We have installed a small water tank in the chicken run using the water run off from the shed roof....much easier than trudging up to the tap all the time and also captures the rainwater.

Tank stores the rainwater and bottom tap into the water dish
recycled pieces of pipe shaped to fit around the wall....
Daphne checking out the some of the girls from behind the fence.....

 Spending lots of time with the G Boy....can't call him baby anymore ....a wildlife display with a small crocodile, wombat, snake and frog....yes he was more scared of the frog than the crocodile...go figure !!
My beautiful G Boy a bit shy of the frog....
Almost two thirds of the way through winter now...the garden is very slow...after checking out Celia's garden here I am thinking of planting all my seedlings much closer together....  Whenever I feel I need a laugh I visit John here... he has an hilarious blog....he is quite the character....So much trouble around the world at the moment.....I wish the whole world could see the bigger to save the planet and humanity ...not spend millions blowing it up and killing each other.....Lastly good luck to the Aussie athletes as they start the Commonwealth Games...ironic that sport continues while war goes on in other parts of the world.....we are so removed from the terror that others face daily.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Get Involved....

Oxfam need your help to assist with the worsening situation in Syria.  Please go HERE to sign their petition to the Australian Government.

"OXFAM -  The crisis in Syria is one of the worst humanitarian catastrophes of our generation. More than 9 million people need humanitarian aid inside Syria and there are nearly 3 million refugees, half of them children.  We all have a role to play to address this shocking emergency, including the Australian Government. The United Nations has asked wealthy governments to contribute urgently-needed funds to a humanitarian crisis appeal. Based on the size of our economy, Australia’s fair share would be $106 million. The government has contributed just $30 million so far in 2014 – less than a third of Australia’s fair share. "

Now is your chance to speak out about an unfolding human tragedy.