Like a moth to a flame....I am always drawn to a beautiful cheese platter.... |
Life is full of unexpected things that will trip you up from time to time....my latest is that my recent blood test, just for a check up, indicates I have elevated cholesterol levels, which while not dangerous need to be reduced........oh dear....not entirely unexpected I guess when you consider my love of cheese and all things cheesey......my love affair with the cheese platter is well known among my family and friends....I am unable to resist the delicious creamy texture of soft cheeses, and the bitey tang of hard cheese.......I happily devour platters ...chatting with cracker and cheese in one hand and chilled glass of sav blanc in the other......I now have to reconsider the amount of cheese I consume....which should probably be none, but I don't think that is possible.....Also my love of the humble egg....my favourite breakfast .......this will also need to be curbed...at the moment life without my favourite things seems bleak.......but a girl has to do what a girl has to do........so farewell to my cheesey habits....hello to special occasion only cheese....and no more than 6 eggs a week....farewell also to delicious butter which I lavish generously wherever possible....hello to cholesterol free spreads....life is still good if not quite as delicious.